When I watched the tutorial video for Socrative I became really excited about trying it out. I utilized the exit slip tool with my third grade students. Following math workshop, I had students pair up as to have enough computers. I walked them through accessing the site and then instructed them to work together to complete the exit slip. Students had to enter their names, choose the multiple choice response that best resembled their understanding of the day's lesson, tell something they learned, and then answer a question I had up on the board. I was worried about how my young students would be able to navigate, but I was actually impressed. I think if I incorporated this more often, it would become extremely easy for them to do. I'm excited to try the other tools on Socrative.
Students entering responses to Socrative exit slip. |
Question on board (geometry) for students to answer for Socrative exit slip. |
Miss Chapman (Paula), what kind of tech setup does your classroom have? It looks like your students are using laptops -- does everyone have their own device?